01 November 2012

OOTD | Maxed Out In Blue

I love maxi skirts and dresses, they are so comfortable and flattering to most women regardless of their shape. As i've mentioned before, I do love bright colours but I also like breaking it up with black for three reasons:

1. I think it draws more attention to the colours 
2. I kinda feel safe when I wear something that has black in it as I do sometimes get a little   
    hung up about my weight, so I find that it can be quite slimming  
3. Black goes with any colour 

I have maxi skirts in various colours- oxblood, mustard and black. They are fabulous for wearing casually or dressing up with a stylish top and a gorgeous pair of heels.

  Fabric beadeded necklaces that I made using african print fabrics, 
   bold and neon colours. I also made the blue striped cone earrings, 
with both accessorizing my outfit